Monday, 30 March 2009

Why do you like or love Chihuahuas?

I love Chihuahuas because they are very loyal little dogs and they are the cutest,smallest dogs you could get! Some people really love them like me or they really hate them. Once someone said to me that they thought Chihuahuas looked liked little rats! I was very angery!
By Phoebe x

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Do you feel sorry for dogs in bags?

I feel very sorry when I see dogs in little bags. I think there is no point of having a dog if it isn't aloud to basicly be a dog! Dogs are meant to be running about a having fun not stuck in little bags. I read a magazine that putting dogs in handbags was really unhealthy for them and that it makes them unhappy. So don't stick your dog in a handbag let ot walk about free and have fun!
By Phoebe x

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Me and Chihuahuas!

I started likeing Chihuahuas about four years ago. I found out about them when I watched 'Legally blond' I saw Bruser (the Chihuahua) then I looked them up and have loved Chihuahuas ever since! I have done projects on them and my bedroom is covered with pictures and paintings of Chihuahuas! I fell so passionate about them I made a toy Chihuahua I sew it together and stuffed it with cotten and now It stayes in my room with all my other Chihuahua toys and pictures!
By Phoebe x
p.s The toy Chihuahua that I made is called Pixi!

A Little Bit About Chihuahuas

The Chihuahua is a very beautiful breed. It is originaly from Mexico. The Chihuahua is in the toy group and is the smallest breed of dog in the world! You can get different kinds of Chihuahuas you can get smooth haired and long haired. As you can see from the picture above Chihuahuas are incredibly small and are normaly 6-10 inches! They weigh about 0.5 to 3 kilos (when they are fully grown).I am very pasionate about Chihuahuas and I am a small dog person! But getting a dog is'nt all fun and games it is a very hard job to bring up a puppie.The four rules to consider before getting any kind of dog are is your house suitable for a dog?,do you have the time to walk it?, can you give it all the love and attention it needs and last of all are you ready for a little puppie running a round your home chewing everything! A chihuahua is quite a hard dog to own but it is very loving and obediant if it is trained well. So if your looking to purchase a Chihuahua look the breed up thoroughly and know what to expect!
By Phoebe x